And so we begin the period of eclipses with the first New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio on October 25th at 9.49 pm. Unlike other lunations where we actively release or manifest our intentions, the eclipse energies open a portal of sorts that in some way asks us to let go of our control and surrender to the energies at play. Eclipses are not to be feared but we do need to let go of attempts to control situations around us. Eclipses have an element of fate attached to them and if we pay attention we can find ourselves in a position where we experience endings, change and openings toward our fated path that aligns with the themes across the Scorpio Taurus axis. Often there is a change of direction, and a new pathway is revealed. This will be especially so for the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo Scorpio and Aquarius and even more so if you have any planets in these signs sitting at the 2-degree mark. Where these signs fall in your chart is where you are likely to experience endings and new beginnings. for those born around the same time as me and have the lunar nodes in Scorpio and Taurus, this is a particularly fated time, especially in relation to the houses the nodes fall into.
I have 4 slots left for readings now until the end of the year, so if you are keen, get in touch.