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  • dijana04

Pluto moves into Aquarius. The Beginning of a technological and societal transformation

I debated for a while to write anything about Pluto moving into Aquarius, which is weird as it is probably the biggest and potentially most significant astrological shift for a very long time.

There is a myriad of information out there about what this could all mean.

However, I decided to post primarily as a reminder to everyone not to fall into the “The Sky is Falling” mentality.

Humanity has been going through changes forever, that is what we do, we change and hopefully evolve to become the best versions of ourselves and ideally the best versions as a species.

Historically we do see significant shifts when Pluto changes signs and Pluto has not been in the sign of Aquarius since the end of the 18th century, between 1778 and 1798, which some historians consider being the age of revolution. I am not going to go into detail about the history other than to say it is only the history and the symbology of both the planet and the sign that astrologers can work with. None of us really know exactly how this will play out.

A more important reminder is that Pluto moves very slowly and the individual impact Pluto in Aquarius will make will totally depend on your individual chart. So if you want to know how Pluto will affect you personally please consider seeing a qualified astrologer.

I am taking a break after these couple of posts for a family event. I will be conducting chart readings again from mid April, so head to the link in the bio and follow the prompts to book in.

Meanwhile these are my thoughts on the potential of this change on the collective actions and collective consciousness.

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