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How was the Aries Solar eclipse for you all? How did it feel?

I thought I was managing ok until I accidentally slipped on some wet stairs and fell hard on my arse. Bruised and sore, I have once again been reminded not to forget to connect to my physical body. This is an essential reminder to act and take charge of my physicality.

But here we are now with our full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio, occurring in Australia on 6 5 at 3.34 am or EDT US 5.5. 1.34 pm.

The last eclipse in Aries was a nudge to think about how we honour ourselves, the new we wish to bring in, a period of action.

As with all new moons, the focus was on bringing forth an intention. Now two weeks later and once again across the Taurus Scorpio Axis theme we have been experiencing since last October, we are letting go and releasing.

The themes to explore now are focused on breaking patterns and releasing what is no longer working for us emotionally. This full moon eclipse is very much about endings, releasing, and dealing with emotions that may have been buried.

It is also a significant period for genuine transformation and moving toward your karmic destiny, especially if you have planets or nodes in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo and Scorpio and Aquarius and even more so if your placements sit at 14 degrees. Check out to see where 14 degrees of Scorpio falls in your chart, as this is the area that is activated by this eclipse.

🌕♏I have also dived deep to put together my full moon lunar eclipse workbook, which is downloadable via the link in the bio. It offers details about the eclipse and provides a carefully selected set of questions, reflections, ritual ideas and affirmations to help you work through some of the themes that might arise during this full moon eclipse.

The workbook also includes an in-depth overview of having your natal moon in Scorpio. So if you have a Scorpio moon, this is an extra special workbook for you.


Let me know how this full moon plays out for you.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF GETTING A CHART READING, GET IN TOUCH NOW. I am heading overseas all of JUNE. I have a few spaces left in May. DM me or go to to book directly.

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